The list command in MarinaBox CLI is used to display all currently active sessions. This command helps track ongoing sessions and their details.

Command Syntax

mb local list


This command retrieves a list of all active sessions, providing the following details for each session:

  • Session ID: Unique identifier for the session.
  • Environment Type: Type of environment (browser or desktop).
  • Status: Current status of the session (running).
  • Resolution: Resolution of the sandbox environment.
  • Tag: Custom tag assigned to the session (if any).

Example Usage

Basic Command:

mb local list

Example Output:

    "session_id": "abc123xyz",
    "env_type": "browser",
    "status": "running",
    "resolution": "1920x1080x24",
    "tag": "Development"
    "session_id": "def456uvw",
    "env_type": "desktop",
    "status": "running",
    "resolution": "1200x800x24",
    "tag": "Testing"


  • Use this command to monitor active sessions and their properties.
  • Combine with commands like get or stop for detailed session management.

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