The stop command in MarinaBox CLI is used to stop a running session using its session ID. This ensures that resources are released and the session is gracefully terminated.

Command Syntax

mb local stop <SESSION_ID>


This command stops a specific active session identified by its session_id. It:

  1. Gracefully shuts down processes running within the sandbox.
  2. Releases allocated resources like memory and ports.
  3. Moves the session to the closed sessions list for historical tracking.

Example Usage

Stop a Specific Session:

mb local stop abc123xyz

Example Output:

Session stopped successfully

If the session ID is invalid or the session is already stopped, an error message is displayed:

Failed to stop session


  • Use the session_id from the list command to ensure you’re targeting the correct active session.
  • This command does not affect sessions that are already closed. Use the list-closed command to view stopped sessions.

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